Hyperion (Hölderlin novel)

Hyperion is a novel by Friedrich Hölderlin first published in 1797 (Volume 1) and 1799 (Volume 2). The full title is Hyperion oder Der Eremit in Griechenland (Hyperion or The Hermit in Greece).

The work is composed of letters from Hyperion to his friends Bellarmin and the writer Diotima. It is set in Greece and deals with invisible forces, conflicts, beauty, and hope.

Italian composer Luigi Nono includes passages from this work in his work Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima for string quartet (1980), as part of the score to be "sung" silently by the performers while playing the piece.

In 1983 the German sculptor Angela Laich created a sculpture she called Hyperion after the main character of the Hölderlin novel.

English translations of Hyperion
